Supernatural Sensations--4 Scalding Hot Paranormal Stories
Table of Contents
Promise of the Succubus by Logan Woods
About Logan Woods
Ghostly Desires by Jeanette Lavia
About Jeanette Lavia
My Romantic Date With the Night Stalker by Simone Perry
We Crave Flesh by Misty Springfield
About Misty Springfield
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4 Scalding Hot Paranormal Stories
Logan Woods * Jeanette Lavia
Simone Perry * Misty Springfield
Copyright © 2012 Steam Books Erotica & Romance
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.
Logan Woods
The Hunger was strong tonight.
Nane tugged the folds of the cowled, dark gray cloak that made her “fade” even in bright light: it caused her to disappear entirely in the feeble light of Charleston’s gas street lights. A passerby might catch a vague shadow of her shape as he brushed past her, but unless someone bumped into her she was not discernible.
She knew precisely who she was looking for, she had seen him many times before on this street, on his way to the brothel that occupied the fenced and gated mansion at the end of the street.
He was handsome in a dashing and rugged way, his unruly mass of black hair waving wildly in the wind as he cantered through the street towards the spot Nane stood upon. He wore jodphurs and boots, and an embroidered waistcoat over an open necked white shirt as he sat astride the massive black stallion that he controlled with an absolute iron will. The cuffs of his pristine white shirt were rolled halfway up his formidably muscled forearms, his big, strong hands gripping the reins. A black dog that appeared to be half wolf followed the black horse, never more than a few feet away from the flashing hooves.
The dog stopped still in the street when they reached Nane, and the man rode a half block to the brothel and relinquished the reins of the skittish black horse to the groomsman. He stared up the street at the dog, and tossed his hair away from his eyes with a shake of his head.
“Satan!” he called in a deep but sharp voice.
The dog’s ears pricked up and he looked towards the man…and then back to the shadowy form of Nane. Satan whimpered, and crawled over to Nane’s feet, looking up into her startling emerald eyes.
“Satan!” the man called again, angrily swatting the quirt he had not needed to fide the horse against the polished leather of his riding boots. Satan lay on the ground at Nane’s feet.
The quirt smacked loudly on his left boot with every step he took as he walked rapidly to the dog, quite obviously angry at the unexpected interruption of his evening’s pleasure. Andrew Woodward couldn’t remember a time when Satan hadn’t obeyed every command he was given, without hesitation, and he was very concerned. He followed Satan’s eyes, and was startled when he saw a captivating pair of emerald green eyes starting into his steely blue ones out of the dim light of dusk.
Nane dropped the folds of her cap, allowing it to hang open so that Andrew could see her…people three feet away saw only a dim shadow in front of the wealthy and somewhat eccentric plantation owner, but Andrew saw the most incredible five-and-a half foot tall woman in a cape who was otherwise nude. Even as much as Andrew loved naked women, it took him several minutes to take his eyes away from the startling green eyes peering at him from under the hood.
His eyes wandered to the perfectly shaped face and the pert nose perched over a wide generous mouth, full lips, and gleaming white teeth. Deep red, wavy hair surrounded the gorgeous face and spilled behind her back. An elegant pale white neck rose above high, full breasts, the nipples hard and pointed towards the sky. Her belly was tiny, and round and soft, while her curvy hips topped long slender well turned legs. Nane’s dainty feet were bare.
Nane’s delicate hand reached from under the cloak and rested on Andrew’s rapidly swelling bulge. Her hunger demanded she shred his pants and take him into the tender embrace of her mouth, but she trembled, controlling the blinding urge within her.
“I want you,” she whispered to him, “come with me and I will do things to you that are so wanton, so lewd as to be obscene.”
Andrew’s gasp of surprise was audible on the street. “I will let you do nasty, perverted things to my body that even your whores wouldn’t do…and all you have to do,” she said, kneeling before him and spreading her legs and pussy to his gaze, “is to cum inside my mouth.”
She opened her mouth wide, and licked her lips suggestively. In 1850’s Charleston, even among the prostitutes, the missionary position was the rule. Other positions, or oral sex, were things the men might whisper about late at night in a saloon, speaking of things sailors had seen and done in foreign parts. Anal sex had never been heard of. Good Queen Victoria’s rigid denial of sexuality and harsh moral code had truly taken hold in the young American nation. What this absolutely magnificent woman was offering the young plantation was owner a night of debauchery unparalleled in his imagination.
Nane knew she had him by the look on his face, and she rose to her feet, her face brushing the swelling fullness inside his pants. Unerringly her open mouth found the helmet-shaped glans through the stretched cloth and she closed her teeth on it briefly. She heard Andrew catch his breath again when she did it.
When she was standing against him, her nipples pressing against his waistcoat, she stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear. “Has anyone ever taken Master Cock inside their mouth for you sir?” She nibbled at his ear as he managed a wheeze that sounded like “No.”
“I’m going to,” she said. Nane took his hand and tugged him towards her large black carriage.
As they were entering the carriage, wolf on their heels, Andrew wanted to know where they were going. “My home is just a few blocks away,” she whispered.
Instead of sitting beside Andrew, she sat across from him in the carriage and lit a lamp above her. As strong as her hunger was, she wanted to build the essence in his balls so that she would capture as much as she could at his first eruption. Some mortals were prolific producers, but looks didn’t always deliver what they promised. So while Andrew looked promising, she was taking no chances. He leaned forward to touch her but she pushed him gently back against his seat. “Watch me!” she whispered.
Nane shrugged her shoulders and the robe fell to the seat. Her body was even more incredible undraped in the light. Her feet drew up onto the seat, lodging against the cheeks of her ass and her pink shining pussy was exposed to Andrew’s gaze. Andrew shivered in anticipation as Nane’s delicate fingers pulled apart her labia for his inspection. Her middle finger glistened with moisture as she gently stroked her erect clit, and her flanks shivered with pleasure at her own touch.
Nane arched her back, her already hard nipples becoming more engorged as she stroked herself, raising her passion to a higher level. Humans were so easy to stimulate!
Nane was no ordinary woman at all, she was a Succubus, a demoness vastly older than she seemed. She had been birthed in the depths of time, in ancient Mesopotamia, and her mother was Lilith, first woman and first wife of Adam. Succubi could not reproduce as humans do, in order to survive as a species, they had to secure the essence of mortal men and give
it to the Incubi, the males of their species. The Incubi then processed the semen and lay with mortal women when they were sleeping. The vast majority of the conceptions started in this manner failed to mature to birth, so the Incubi worked tirelessly to impregnate mortal women to sustain the race.
Nane’s part in the process was to collect male sperm from mortals twice each month, and she knew the Incubi had to be resupplied when her Hunger struck. Over the centuries the period had become almost regular, but it varied sometimes. Taking the essence from mortal men involved swallowing their semen and taking it into an organ in the base of her throat. When her excitement reached a certain level, the organ extended a hood that wrapped around the head of the mortal’s penis, capturing every molecule and wasting none of the precious essence. The hood contained a substance to seal it momentarily to the glans that left a sensation somewhat akin to the sensation mortals got when bitten by Vampires. The substance only added to the luster of the passion inspired by the skill Succubi had learned over the centuries.
Andrew stared at the gorgeous redhead spread so wantonly before him, her fingers busy manipulating her glistening pussy. He saw her through a haze of lust that her words had incited in him. If his ears were not deceiving him, this incredibly beautiful woman had promised to do things to him that he had never dared dream of, things of which he had only heard hints and tales about.
He felt his seed near to spilling as he watched her, and he forced himself to breathe deeply and try to get control of his body. He had also heard of witches and demons that deceive men for dark purposes…he would need to be careful because this woman was not a being to be toyed with.
Nane sensed she was losing him and that his semen was close to release. She would have to receive it now, and entice more of it from him later. She smiled outwardly this time, lewdly and wickedly as she slid to the floor between his legs. Reaching for the buttons which closed the front of his jodphurs, she unbuttoned him slowly. His penis reared inside his constricting pants.
“Did you ever dream of a real woman taking you into her mouth?” Nane whispered. “Is it something you desire?” His swollen cock was being stroked by her pale soft hands. Her exquisite tongue tentatively licked the soft hot flesh beneath the head of his glans.
The pleasure Andrew felt was unspeakable, the hot wet softness of her tongue on him inflaming his mind. “Are you a real woman?” he gasped hoarsely.
Nane removed her tongue a moment. “Yes and no,” she told him. “If you mean to ask if I’m flesh, blood, and bone like a real woman the answer is very definitely yes.”
For the first time in his life a woman took the helmet-shaped glans of his cock into her mouth and Andrew feared he might spill his strength then and there. Nane let him free of her mouth and continued to whisper to him in her slow sensuous drawl.
“If you mean to ask if I am human the answer is very definitely no. Do you wish me to continue?” She knew the answer already and she slid more of the thick rod into the wet heat of her mouth, sucking at him and feeling his jerky response.
Andrew’s balls churned in their skin sack, and he felt a pleasure almost sharp as pain begin at their base and surge upwards through them. “Christ!” he screamed as Nane’s mouth slammed forward, her lips fastening tightly around the very base of his cock.
His surprise and pleasure was raised another notch as the umbrella-shaped receptacle of Nane’s extra organ shrouded the head of his cock, adding it’s drug effect and suction to the ecstasy he was already feeling. Andrew lost all control of his senses as his cum pumped into the unseen receptacle in her throat.
Nane held perfectly still so as not to break the seal between her organ and the head of his penis. She would have several orgasms before her task was done, and she would love and enjoy every one of them…but her real pleasure would be an orgasm as the Incubus was served. The Incubi were possessed of a massive sexual organ…and some of them had two. Nane shivered in the hope that she would get such a visitor at daybreak. The rare Incubi with double cocks were much desired by the Succubi.
Andrew lay as if lifeless after the expulsion of his cum, but Nane was already beginning to tantalize him again with her raw words and graphic descriptions of what she intended to do with his body. He no longer cared that she was not human. If she did half what she promised he could die a happy man.
The carriage arrived at her mansion moments later, and it rolled to a stop in front of her door. Nane led Andrew through the front door and up a wide staircase to her bedroom upstairs. Satan lay down by her doorway, his large head on his paws, satisfied that his master was in no real danger.
Nane removed Andrew’s clothes, tracing his bare skin with her fingers and tongue as each piece of clothing was removed. When he was nude, she took him through a curtained area to a giant copper tub filled with scented water and helped him into it. When she had scrubbed every inch of him with a large sponge, she climbed in with him, rubbing her entire body over him and arousing him more with each sensual motion. When she was satisfied with their cleanliness Nane pulled a long cord hanging by the tub.
Andrew stood in the huge tub with his cock standing proudly in front of him, wondering what was to be next when his breath caught in his throat as a pale young woman walked into the bath carrying two large pails of water. She was wearing nothing but a demure smile. Her dark red hair color and the paleness of her skin was the same as Nane’s, and her eyes were the same striking green.
“Yeraz,” Nane said quietly, “rinse us.” The silent girl rinsed both of them with tepid water, and then very slowly dried them with the softest, fluffiest towels Andrew had ever felt against his skin. Yeraz preceded them to the bedroom, turning the covers back and pouring champagne into fluted crystal stem for Andrew.
As Andrew sipped the champagne, he looked around at the elegant furnishings of the bedroom. The furniture was beautiful, some of it old, and some appeared ancient. His attention turned to Nane and Yeraz, who sat nude on the end of the bed, talking softly. Yeraz nodded gravely at her mistress, and stood quietly. She crawled over the huge bed to Andrew on her hands and knees. She was every bit as ravishing as Nane, Andrew thought, and he listened closely when she spoke.
“My mistress wishes me to tell you that I will join you if it is your desire master,” she said, no trace of a blush on her pale face. “I am to tell you that I am at your service to fulfill any desire you may have.”
Andrew stared blankly at Nane. He began to laugh uproariously. “As if you weren’t enough,” he spluttered. “Who is playing this jest on me?” He looked around to see if someone was watching.
“There is no jest, master,” Yeraz bent forward and he could smell her sweet breath in his face. “We must excite you so that your essence is strong and powerful, and my Mistress can swallow it down. I am here to help her, wise as she is, to do that and learn from her in the process.”
Yeraz became coy and thrust her small breasts in his face. “I will do anything that pleases you,” she said, dipping her mouth to his swollen cock and taking it all the way down her throat.
She lifted her mouth from him and climbed onto his lap, inserting his dick into her unbelievably tight pussy and settling on it, staying on it only long enough to unsettle him. Yeraz lifted her pussy from his now dripping cock and raised herself to center the head of his cock on the puckered ring of her anus, and eased herself down onto the thick rod.
Andrew’s eyes bulged as he felt the tight velvet glove of her ass grip his shaft. Yeraz sat immobile, staring into his eyes. He felt as if he might explode, the dry tight heat unlike anything he had ever imagined. Yeraz smiled indulgently, her power to astonish men new to her.
Andrew gasped audibly. “I’ve…I’ve never felt anything so intense!” He struggled to fuck this orifice he had never dreamed of penetrating in his most debauched fantasy.
“He likes my ass, Mistress,” Yeraz whispered to Nane, who had moved closer to watch Andrew’s expressions and judge his excitement level…she dared not let him sp
ill his seed again unless she was close enough to catch it when it escaped.
“Get the basket,” Nane said. “He is too close, and at least one more will be required.”
Yeraz slipped off Andrew’s cock, leaving him moaning with desire. She padded nude to the bath room and returned with a bowl of the scented water and a soft wash cloth, handing them to her mistress and then going to the huge walk in closet.
Nane washed him thoroughly and dried him with another of the soft fluffy towels. Dipping her head to the quivering penis, she stopped with her lips barely touching the angry red glans. “The night is young Andrew,” she said, but you are such an eager lad.” Her emerald eyes looked up and captured his own unbelieving eyes. “Go ahead love, give me your cum!”
Without losing eye contact, she lowered her head onto his rigid cock. Her tongue whipped at him, skittering wildly about the sensitive skin, drawing at him until he felt the sap rising in him like a train approaching. His hips clenched and his eyes closed as he felt himself going, the sensations she was giving him unearthly.
The organ at the base of her throat opened like a flower, taking his glans inside and coating it with the sealing substance. Andrew’s every fiber felt the shock of the ecstasy and he spewed deep into her throat. As the last drop passed through Nane’s smiling lips, Andrew slipped from consciousness.
When he awakened, his eyes beheld an amazingly erotic sight, and the thick cock he had not expected to work for days began to rise. The two erotic women were still nude in the bed next to him, but each had their head buried between the other’s legs. The whimpering, mewling sounds of their mutual pleasure washed over his ears, sending a ripple of sexual pleasure through his body that started at the base of his spine. He rolled onto his side and let one of his hands explore their perfect skin and silky hair as their bodies writhed on the soft sheets. Oddly enough, he watched their toes curl as they came together, scrunched into a tight ball.